
I Got Fingerprinted Today

JF thinks I'm silly for being excited about it but I can't help it.

For one, it's progress and for two, I've never had it done before.
I learned that there are three main types of prints and that one person can have all three on one hand. The fingerprint lady told me that if you were cloned, the clone would have similar prints but not identical because some of what influences how your fingerprints look is environmental, specifically the environment in the womb. Identical twins even have different prints because of positioning in the womb. It was interesting.

So my part of the security check is done. All the paperwork and signatures are sent and now the fingerprints are on their way.

The next step is a physical exam. I'm not worried. I was checked out by my insurance company when I purchased life insurance a few months ago and I got the premium rate so I think I'm good. They would know!

I've been slowly throwing stuff out and taking more items to Goodwill, there won't be much left when it's time to go. My mind is still boggled over the cat paperwork. I need to re-read it again, for like the 10th time. I'm going to try to call the island vet on Monday and ask some questions. It's more than a bit confusing.
After more than a week of sub-zero temperatures, I think I'm ready to give tropical weather a try for awhile.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how they would know that even a clone would have unique fingerprints considering that nobody has ever cloned a human being. But congratulations on moving forward on the paperwork.

Rebecca said...


Good point- my guess is that (hopefully) they are assuming that's the case because that's what they've found with identical twins. Or she knows something we don't know.

Leo, I checked out your blog and tried to leave a comment but it didn't work. Do you have commenting turned off or am I doing something wrong?