
Thank You!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads this blog, and for the numerous folks that have contacted me with additional questions and comments. I've met several folks who have ended up getting jobs on the island and have introduced themselves letting me know that they found my blog while researching Kwajalein.

My apologies for not keeping on top of it a little better lately. KRS monitors this blog and I have to make sure I don't talk about them or work so I'm limited to writing about my extra-curricular activities. This is all well and good but I'm so busy doing them I don't take the time to sit down (on my really slow, dial-up internet) to write about them. Sorry.

I'm still diving, hanging out at the beach, partying with friends and having a great time and in two weeks I'm headed to Palau for vacation.

I just wanted to take a moment to acknowlege my supporters! Thank you all.


anonymous said...

You are the international ambassador for Kwaj. :) Still hoping eventually to be counted as one of the ones who ends up there after having started with your blog. Keep writing your adventures!

Johnny'O said...

No need to appologize. Enjoy your stay.


vgtz said...

Free speech... Is a matter of free speech! AlphaSigOU routinely lets go with both barrels, probably not very judicious of him...